This photograph of a ladder stile was taken from the Ordnance Survey Trig Point on Black Crag, on a very hot day in bright, hazy sunshine. I find it a very imaginative image to work with. The wall blocks the path, which carries on into the middle distance. Climbing over the stile is the only way to get to the other side. The second step up is missing, as is a plank on the top platform. The 'usual' walking routes turn back at this point; there is no finger post to say where the path leads, so this is a significant boundary to cross. The dramatic scenery of the far horizon beckons the viewer. If you are fit and healthy you might want to climb over and explore, but what if you are not, or if you have small children or a dog? What can you draw out from this image about boundaries and barriers?
Ladder stile on Black Crag, near Tarn Hows in the Lake District.
Rich ecstasy
All in a moment stopt I watched in vain
The timid bird had left the hazel bush
& at a distance hid to sing again
Lost in a wilderness of listening leav...
4 hours ago
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